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The hardest day

by Bryan Shaw

Today is 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain’s ‘Hardest Day.’

On this day in 1940 both sides recorded their greatest aircraft losses. From July to October 1940, 1023 aircraft were lost by the RAF and 1887 by the Luftwaffe. This, the Battle of Britain, was the first major campaign fought entirely in the air. And it was this battle that led to one of Winston Churchill’s most enduring speeches, since referred to as ‘The Few.’

Imagine what it must have been like for those Hurricane and Spitfire pilots, many young and with limited flying experience, to face hundreds of Luftwaffe bombers and fighters, daily, for four months.

Next time you feel overwhelmed, or wonder what you can do as an individual to make a real difference, think about those pilots of 1940. With a clear purpose, courage and conviction, a few - and an individual - can achieve so much.


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The hardest day
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